Mikey has asked me to meme The Stupidest Thing I Ever Did. The way I see it, there can be two answers to this question. The first being the Innocent But Stupid Act. The second being just plain Redneck Dumbassery. Also to be considered is what is actually acceptable to print in today’s society standards. I am neither a repetitive felon nor a deviant, but who wants to put all their cards in play? It takes the fun out of it.
So with all that in consideration, I’ll give my two answers. Sorry Mike, I can’t follow the rules and give just one.
Innocent but Stupid: After living together for a year in Boston and enduring a painful first year of graduate school at BC, I asked Leah to move out. Obviously, we weren’t in the best of places. Business school was miserable for her, especially as I was living the young professional life in the big city. I sat her down on the living room futon, and tried as calmly as possible to tell her to get her own place. She said no, which has basically defined our relationship of the past eight years. Whenever I say something stupid, she has no problem whatsoever in telling me so.
Redneck Dumbassness: My senior year in college (why do they all start this way?) the Men’s Glee Club toured Montreal for a weekend. We sang a Sunday Mass in some cathedral, but I really have no idea which one. I was so hung over that morning, I could have been singing in a subway station for all I knew. Plus, there was this red line running down my face.
The night before, we decided to see the city. Well, certain parts of it, anyway. We sang in a bunch of bars for free drinks, and then visited the Ballet. For anyone who hasn’t seen the Canadian Ballet, you should. The cultural aspects are staggering. The first place we went in to, we ran into some WPI Alumni, who bought us cigars and table dances.
The night went steadily downhill from there. We ended up running through the streets in the early hours of the morning in pursuit of the guy who ripped us off when we were trying to XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. Sorry, my kids might read this someday.
We gave up the chase (after about one block), and decided to call it a night. However, all that excitement had our testosterone up, and we proceeded to practice WWE wrestling moves on the way back to our hotel. My roommate Brian and I were a little too enthusiastic, and when he attempted to slam my head into the corner of a marble façade, I let him.
I ended up with a chipped tooth, and a bloody forehead. Oh, and a vertical bruise the length of my face. As drunk as I was, I still knew I was damaged. I filed down my tooth with a quarter, rubbed the blood off with some snow, returned to the hotel and opened the minibar. Good times.
As this is a meme, and I know what that means now, I'll sign off with the next interation:
1. Leah - my darling, my angel, let's hear it.
2. Gina - I know you don't have a blog, but you can email me and I'll post it for you. Spill it.
3. Esther - same goes for you. Get it off your chest before the baby is born.
4. Shannon - reaching out to the West Coast.