Our front porch reconstruction is nearing the finish, we hope. In the meantime, we usurp M&L’s every once in a while. I mean, we do own the place, no? Anyway, we found ourselves out there on Saturday morning, enjoying ourselves and the kids. Mom Nature is beginning to show signs of turning off the heat, which is very nice after the sweltering summer we’ve had to endure. This morning, we all had jackets/sweaters on. Woohooo!!
Lisa came out to hang with us, followed shortly by her hubby.
It was then that Sam decided he wanted a different jacket. His brothers had sweatshirts with hoods, and nothing else was going to be good enough for him. So I trudged back upstairs to find him a hoodsie, thinking to myself that this would be so much worse if he was a girl, and thanking the stars. Sam told Leah this week he thinks that red goes with orange – a boy after my own heart.
Sam has been really into his stuffed animals lately. It’s all apparently part of the three year old brain development. He gives them human qualities and starts “make believe” adventures with them. Saturday morning, he was hanging with Christmas Moose. When I returned with the sweatshirt, Sam had absolutely no wish to put Mr. Moose down for fear of him being abducted by one of the twins.
Instead of handing him off to one of the adults, our fiercely independent child chose to stuff the moose down the front of his pants. He ended up with the moose’s head sticking out from the waistband while he changed from jacket to sweatshirt, wiggling back and forth on the porch. Never in my life have I witnessed four people trying harder not to laugh in my life.