A is for Amazing
B is for Breathtaking
C is for Compassionate
D is for Determined & Deserving & Dedicated & Dazzling
E is for Excellent
F is for Feminine
G is for Genius
H is for Honorable
I is for Intelligent & Identity & Integrity
J is for Just
K is for Kind
L is for Leah & Loving & Learned
M is for Mother
N is for Nurturing
O is for Outstanding
P is for Professional
Q is for Qualified
R is for Really, Really, Really Cute
S is for Searching & Steadfast
T is for Tender
U is for Unwavering
V is for Virtuous & Vivacious
W is for Wonderful
X is for nothing. No good words actually begin with X besides xylophone and xenophobe. Stupid letter.
Y is for Youthful & Yearning
Z is for Zowie!
They don't know what they're missing.