First Day at Misquamicut Beach

We successfully made the trip to Misquamicut. Driving overnight, it only took 7 ½ hours, which is close to a record for us when traveling with children. Poor Rocky isn’t allowed to stay at the beach house (cue Peanuts music - No Dogs Allowed). So he’s staying at my Dad's place until we move over there next Friday.
Here's our day in stream of consciousness:
Friday - Day 1: Get to my father’s house around 6:30am, wake up my father since he thought we weren't coming until Saturday morning, go to breakfast, watch trains with Sammy, give kids to Dad, nap, go over to my brother Chris & Audra’s, get keys to beach house & pick up kids, go to beach house, unpack, nap, get dinner – clam chowder, clam cakes, steamers, lobster rolls – mmmmmmm, visit from Dad & Jeannie, play guitar, go to sleep