Misquamicut Beach - Day 2

Saturday - Day 2: Wake up, Leah & kids off to beach, drive over to my father’s house, give Rocky a tomato juice bath because he’s a city dog and doesn’t know enough to stay away from skunks, drive to the pet store to buy a lead so Rocky won’t go chasing any more skunks, go shopping, buy wine & beer, drop off beach toys to Leah and the boys, take Sammy to pick up lunch, nap, play Frisbee with Leah, go to driving range and attempt to hit a bucket of balls, remember that I suck so badly because I haven’t swung a golf club in over two years, teach Sammy to throw a Frisbee, play ball, play guitar, Leah’s Mom and Gina arrive, go to dinner with Chris & Audra – sushi, crab legs, seafood pasta - mmmmmmmm, go to brother Tom’s pub for drinks – Zyr vodka chilled with a lemon twist - mmmmmmmm, go to sleep